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Anna Marie Sophie

Combining a photo shooting with dog practice

Even on cold winter days we have to go outside with the dogs. So why don´t combine your walk with some photo sessions?

This winter in Austria has not brought much snow yet. We have a lot of sunny days which I love to use for taking pictures.

Always in style with my comfy and worm Sisley coat.

In every walk we stop and do some practice. Lilo is still a very young dog so discipline is very important for her. When we stop we do some exercises, the basics like "sit, wait, look at me, come to me, lay down" and then we continue our walk until we stop and repeat it all again.

You don´t have to exercise for hours dogs can´t listen to you all the time. Make breaks and repeat more often. You can do that everywhere you are.

From the very first of the beginning I let Lilo go by herself. She can go with the lead but she better can exploit herself by running around. Therefore I practice with her, that she ever comes when I call her. And it usually works out ;).

Good job little panda chipmunk.

Beside the basic exercises I practice with my dogs, there are also some more. More infos on the blog post on next monday.

Ich trainiere täglich mit meinen Hunden und das auch beim Spaziergang.

Meine Trainingseinheiten kann ich auch mit einem Photoshooting verbinden, da die Hunde auch hier immer wieder etwas neues dazu lernen. Ich trainiere immer in kurzen Trainingseinheiten aber dafür wiederhole ich diese öfters.

Hunde brauchen einfach das tägliche Training, das auch ihren Kopf fit hält.

Weitere Trainingsbeispiele für einen ausgeglichen Hund und einen abwechslungsreichen Tag, nächsten Montag im neuen Blogeintrag.

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